Project Description

Tarek Elmarhri

Tarek Elmarhri started his career of Trader at Refco Trading London in 2003. He traded Future contracts on EUREX (German Bund 10y and Eurostoxx, Dax future contracts) for 2 years

Since 2005, he traded 4 years in Amsterdam as MarketMaker on Eurex Market at Van Der Moolen in Amsterdam.

In 2010 he was recruited to launch «Icecap Paris», a hedge fund from Millennium Management NY owned by Izzy Englander.

In 2013, He launched Krechendo Trading in Paris. Krechendo Trading is the first trading floor for professional traders in France with 23 indépendants traders.

Tarek Elmarhri launched is own Hedge Funds Krechendo Investments Fund in Luxembourg in 2016 ( ISIN CODE : LU1554262920)