Davide Biocchi


Davide Biocchi Davide Biocchi is an seven-time real-money International Trading Champion.He is the creator of the TWbook, which is based off of his trading strategies and has become one of the most-used trading tools in Europe. In addition to being a full-time trader, he is the founder of tradingweek.net as well as the author [...]

David Aranzabal


David Aranzabal Fundador de la escuela de trading FXforaliving.com, especializada en Forex. Ingeniero de software por Deusto y PADE por el IESE. Fundador de 2 compañías de Internet para instituciones públicas. Full Time Trader de cuentas propias y especialista en el mercado de divisas desde el 2004. Formado por varios de los mejores instructores [...]